Demonstrating the Love of God by providing automotive assistance to people in need in Hood County.

Wayne Goller along with his wife founded Good Samaritan Automotive Ministries as a way to use their gifts to show God’s love to people in distress in a practical and unique way.  Wayne is a retired Master Mechanic with 35 years of experience, 21 of those as a repair shop owner.

Good Samaritan Automotive Ministries

A non-profit auto repair service for Hood County families of limited financial means. It’s an innovative idea that meets a critical need.

Why the ministry?

While reliable and affordable transportation in impoverished communities is a wide spread problem, Hood County is more challenging than urban areas.  We have no public transportation and no affordable housing is within walking distance of jobs, schools, grocery stores and medical facilities. 

Our vision is to have a direct impact on people’s ABILITY TO BE SELF SUSTAINING by either putting their vehicle back on the road or putting them in reliable transportation.

Many people cannot afford the cost of commercial car repair and are forced to choose between not having personal transportation or driving a vehicle that is unsafe and/or unreliable.  Their only other option is long term reliance on local charities for food, housing and clothing.

Since opening our doors in 2018, support from our community has made it possible for us to offer auto repair to those in need, as well as taking in donated vehicles, put them in a safe and reliable condition, then giving them to needy individuals.

Program Operation

We actively work with community outreach organizations as well as local churches who have identified local people with car repair needs. These agencies vet clients for us through a referral process. We don’t accept clients directly. Clients work with these agencies to rebuild their lives and get help in coping with various personal crises such as health problems or abuse.

All work is provided through volunteers so there is no labor cost involved in repairs. We use donated funds to pay for the cost of parts unless the client or the referring agency is able to help offset those costs.

How Can I Help?

Good Samaritan Automotive Ministries is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit founded 09/25/18 under Texas law.  All contributions are 100% tax deductible.  Because we refurbish and give cars directly to needy individuals rather than sell them to raise funds, the IRS allows for a full market value deduction of donated vehicles.

How to help:
  • Donate a vehicle.
  • Volunteer as a mechanic
    • Commit to once a week, month, etc.
  • Make a monetary donation. We are always grateful for your support in any dollar amount.  All donations go directly to parts, not for labor. We have no paid employees.
I need help. What do I do?

Contact a local church help ministry or Hood County outreach organization such as Mission Granbury.

They will assess your personal situation and will fill out appropriate forms.  When we receive the forms, we will make an appointment to work on your vehicle.

For a church or outreach organization:

Here are the Referral, Application and Liability Waiver forms.

Vehicle Donors: 

Please contact us at 817-360-9226

Good Samaritan Automotive Ministries
8920 Brierfield road (Office)
4809 Lewis Court (Shop)
Granbury, TX 76049